Nissan Frontier Transmission Problems: Effective Fixes and Prevention Tips

hey guys welcome back um waiting for a few parts for the audi yet so that’s just on hold this weekend there’s no video on that i’ll have that back on the channel next weekend i thought i’d do a quick update on the nissan last video i did on this the transmission had gone out had lost reverse right around the time that i finished up my camper topper build on it so just been sitting finally dropped her off at a transmission shop and had them go through it let’s hope there’s gonna be something quick and easy like a solenoid or something but it wasn’t uh whole transmission is pretty well shot so here’s some of the clutch packs i don’t know if these will show or not but there’s uh not much material left on these pretty well worn down so they replaced all the clutch packs a new torque converter and then the valve body was all gummed up with debris too so they clean that up so that was a few thousand miles ago i’ve got about two hundred and ten thousand on it now seems to be running well other than i still have some check engine lights on for uh o2 sensors and a few other things it’s getting terrible gas mileage i averaged like 14 miles a gallon with this thing right now but i’m just using as a work truck so i did sell the topper as you can see i just found it was too inconvenient to have that on there all the time and it took up too much room as you can see i got a bunch of tools in the back right now shingles unfortunately so i get to go do a roofing job this weekend and i am not a roofer so i’m not looking forward to it i did save the diesel heater it’s over there someplace in the mess so hopefully we’ll use that for another project this winter anyway that’s going to be out about it for this one for now i may eventually have it back on the channel when i if i decide to try and fix co2 sensors and that kind of stuff so that’s going to be it for the quick update hopefully the parts for the audio will come in this week and there’ll be another video on that next weekend so thanks for watching and i will see you next time [Music] you

What happened to the Nissan?

The transmission had gone out and had lost reverse. The clutch packs were worn down, so they replaced all the clutch packs, installed a new torque converter, and cleaned the valve body which was gummed up with debris.

How is the Nissan running now?

The Nissan seems to be running well other than having some check engine lights on for O2 sensors and getting poor gas mileage, averaging about 14 miles per gallon. It is currently being used as a work truck.

What happened to the camper topper?

The camper topper was sold as it was found to be too inconvenient and took up too much room. The space is now used for tools and materials for work.

What are the plans for the diesel heater?

The diesel heater was saved for a future project during the winter.

What’s next for the Nissan?

The next steps for the Nissan are uncertain at the moment. The possibility of fixing the O2 sensors and other issues may lead to another update on the channel in the future.

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