Troubleshooting Tesla Auto Wipers: Why They Might Not Be Working and How to Fix It

Have you ever experienced the frustration of your Tesla auto wipers activating during dry weather? In this post, I’ll discuss a simple solution to fix this issue.

While driving on a very dry and hot evening with no rain, the auto wipers kept activating on autopilot. To access the wiper menu, press the stock on the left. However, when attempting to turn off the wipers, it showed a message indicating that they couldn’t be turned off when autopilot is active.

The solution? It’s likely that there was dirt or an obstruction on the camera sensor. By cleaning the area around the camera, the issue was resolved.

After cleaning the camera area, the auto wipers stopped activating unnecessarily. This simple fix can save you from the frustration of the wipers going crazy during dry weather.

So, next time you encounter this problem with your Tesla auto wipers, simply clean the camera area to ensure the proper functioning of the wipers.

Remember to regularly check and clean the camera area to prevent similar issues in the future.

Why do the auto wipers on my Tesla keep activating in dry weather?

The auto wipers on a Tesla can activate unexpectedly in dry weather due to potential interference caused by dirt, bugs, or other debris on the sensor located near the camera. In such cases, the wiper menu can be accessed by pressing the stock on the left side of the vehicle’s interior. Attempting to turn off the wipers while on auto survivor mode may not work, as the system may indicate that the wipers cannot be turned off when autopilot is active. To resolve this issue, it is recommended to clean the area around the camera to ensure proper functioning of the auto wipers. Once the sensor area is cleaned, the wipers should operate normally without unexpected activation in dry weather.

How can I turn off the auto wipers when on autopilot?

If the auto wipers continue to activate while on autopilot and cannot be turned off using the wiper menu, it may be necessary to temporarily disengage autopilot to manually turn off the wipers. This can be done by holding the wiper control lever on the steering column to deactivate the auto wipers. Once the wipers are turned off, autopilot can be re-engaged for autonomous driving.

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