Understanding Tesla Battery Degradation: A Deep Dive into Calculations, Factors, and Analysis

Are you curious about the battery degradation of your electric car? In this video, we take a Tesla Model 3 on a road trip to calculate its battery degradation. However, the method can be applied to any electric car. Let’s dive into the results for our 2018 Tesla Model 3 and explore the calculation process.

Charging to 100% – The Starting Point

We initiated the test by charging the Tesla Model 3 to 100% using the scheduled departure feature. The display showed 286 miles based on the EPA rated range of the car, a decrease from the original 310 miles. This indicated a potential 8% battery degradation.

On the Road – Calculations and Usage Metrics

Throughout the trip, we tracked the energy consumption, reset trip meters, and analyzed the energy usage for accurate calculations. Arriving in Butte, we had utilized about 88-89% of the battery, suggesting an 11-12% degradation.

Charging Analysis

During subsequent charges, we noticed discrepancies in the reported energy input versus the energy consumed. This led us to question the accuracy of solely relying on the recorded charging statistics to assess battery degradation.

Environmental Factors

We also considered environmental variables such as temperature and driving conditions, which can impact energy consumption and further affect degradation calculations.

Accuracy and Methodology

Based on our analysis, the most reliable indicator of battery degradation was the energy used from 100% down to a certain percentage. This method consistently pointed to a 10-12% degradation.

Final Assessment

Considering all factors, we estimated the battery degradation of our Tesla Model 3 to be around 12%. For precise verification, we plan to conduct a battery health test using the service menu in the car, which will be the focus of our upcoming video.


Understanding electric car battery degradation is vital for vehicle maintenance and longevity. By utilizing accurate calculation methods and considering various factors, drivers can assess the health of their electric car’s battery effectively. Stay tuned for our upcoming battery health test results on the Tesla Model 3.

What is the battery degradation of the electric car?

In the video, the Tesla Model 3 is used to calculate battery degradation. Based on the calculations, the degradation is estimated to be around 10 to 12 percent. The calculations were done based on how much energy was used during the drive, rather than how much was put into the battery during charging, which can be inaccurate due to factors like battery heating and losses.

How was the degradation calculated?

The degradation was calculated by analyzing the energy consumption during the drive and comparing it to the total battery capacity. The calculations were based on the actual energy used for the distance driven, providing a more accurate estimate of battery degradation.

Are the calculations accurate?

The calculations based on energy usage during the drive are considered to be the most accurate, with an estimated battery degradation of 10 to 12 percent. However, it was noted that factors such as battery heating and differences in reported energy usage during charging can lead to inaccuracies in the calculations.

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