Unleashing the Full Potential: The Ultimate Guide to Tesla Ghost Upgrade & Modifications

Are you ready to witness a mind-blowing showdown between a Tesla Model 3 Performance and a Model 3 Long Range equipped with a ghost chip? In this battle, we uncover the secrets of achieving peak performance with these impressive vehicles. Joe and Travis are here to share their experiences with these Teslas and shed light on the performance unlocking process.

Unlocking the Potential

Joe’s 2018 Long Range model 3 is not your typical vehicle, as it’s been equipped with a ghost chip from nginx, unlocking the rear motor to match the performance model. This aftermarket accessory bypasses the software limitations, effectively transforming the car into a powerhouse. Joe attests that the performance of his “unlocked” model rivals that of a true performance model 3.

Concerns about the impact on the car’s warranty are addressed, with Joe explaining that the ghost chip can be easily unplugged when necessary. While Tesla was able to detect the modification through a software update at one point, nginx promptly released a fix to counter it, emphasizing the adaptability of the ghost chip technology.

Unleashing the Potential

Travis, with his 2022 Performance model 3, is no stranger to maximizing the car’s potential. His expertise extends to state of charge management and efficiency, particularly in the context of drag racing. With meticulous attention to battery temperature and preconditioning, Travis has achieved impressive performance results, clocking in at 11.3 for the quarter mile at Rockingham.

Travis shares tips on how he optimizes his battery’s temperature for peak performance, highlighting the significance of battery warmth in enhancing the car’s output. He also discusses the use of an app that provides detailed insights into the car’s internal temperatures and performance metrics, offering a comprehensive view of the vehicle’s capabilities.

Modifications and Comparisons

Both Joe and Travis delve into the world of car modifications, from ghost chips to boost modules, exploring the possibilities of enhancing their respective Tesla models. Joe provides insights into the boost module, which adds 50 horsepower to the long-range model, delivering a significant performance boost at a fraction of the cost of Tesla’s official upgrade.

Travis offers a unique perspective on optimizing performance through wheel adjustments, shedding light on the impact of rotational mass and its influence on the car’s speed and agility. This attention to detail showcases the dedication to extracting the utmost potential from these remarkable vehicles.

The Showdown

After an in-depth discussion and exploration of their Teslas’ capabilities, the ultimate test awaits. Joe and Travis prepare to put their cars through their paces, with a series of performance assessments to determine their prowess on the road. The showdown promises to showcase the true capabilities of these modified Teslas, providing a thrilling insight into their enhanced performance.

As the battle unfolds, the results are nothing short of astonishing, with both Joe and Travis showcasing the formidable potential of their respective vehicles. The comparison reveals that the ghost-chipped Long Range and the Performance model are on par, showcasing the remarkable impact of modifications on these Teslas’ capabilities.


The Tesla Model 3 Performance vs Long Range battle serves as a testament to the ingenuity and dedication of car enthusiasts in unlocking the full potential of their vehicles. Joe and Travis’ insights provide a captivating glimpse into the world of Tesla modifications, offering a compelling narrative of pushing boundaries and redefining performance standards.

What is the ghost chip for Tesla Model 3?

The ghost chip is an aftermarket accessory from nginx that unlocks the rear motor of certain Tesla Model 3s, effectively enabling them to perform at the level of the Performance model.

What are the potential impacts on the car’s warranty when using the ghost chip?

The use of the ghost chip may be detected by Tesla, potentially affecting the warranty. However, it can be easily unplugged for service and nginx has provided updates to counter detection. It’s also noted that many other aftermarket modifications or accessories can impact a vehicle’s warranty.

What impact does battery temperature have on a Tesla Model 3’s performance?

The battery temperature significantly affects the performance, and warming up the battery is crucial for optimal performance, especially in drag racing scenarios. Preconditioning the battery by navigating to a Supercharger helps in achieving the desired temperature for peak performance.

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