How to Replace a Honda Key Battery: A Comprehensive Guide

Changing the battery in your Honda key fob is a simple task, but many people are unsure of how to do it. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process step by step.

To begin, flip over your key fob. You’ll notice a small tab that can be pulled to access the spare key. This key can be used to manually unlock your car in case the fob’s battery dies.

Next, position the key fob so that the key slot is facing you. In between the two spots, you can insert your key to separate the fob into two pieces.

Once the fob is open, you’ll see the case covering and the piece containing the battery and buttons. To remove the battery, locate the clips at the edges and use a pin to carefully release them. The battery should then come out easily.

When inserting the replacement battery, ensure that the plus side is facing out to avoid having to repeat the process. Match up the pieces and snap the fob back together. Reinsert the spare key, and you’ve successfully replaced the battery.

The battery required for the Honda key fob is a Panasonic CR2032 3-volt. It’s always helpful to have this information at hand when purchasing a replacement.

If you have any questions or require assistance with other key models, feel free to reach out to me. You can respond to this video, email me at, or call the dealership at 512-443-4300 and ask for Justin Fuller.

How do I change the battery in a Honda key fob?

To change the battery in a Honda key fob, first, flip it over and locate the tab to pull out the spare key. Once done, face the key fob toward you and slide the key between the designated spots to separate the case covering and the piece with the battery and buttons. Use a pin to pop out the battery by pushing it between the clips. Remember to insert the replacement battery with the plus side facing out. Match up the pieces, snap them back together, and reinsert the spare key. The battery needed is a Panasonic CR2032 3V. For further inquiries or assistance about other keys, feel free to reach out through email at or by calling 512-443-0300 and asking for Justin Fuller.

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