Latest Tesla FSD Update: Unveiling New Features and Improvements

In my previous video, I talked about the Full Self-Driving (FSD) feature and how it doesn’t necessarily guarantee the latest software updates despite being a significant investment. This week, after months of waiting, I finally received a software update. Let’s take a look at what’s included.

The update brings several features that non-FSD users have already been enjoying for over a month. These include the Spotify refresh, automatic headlights, destination closing soon alerts, Bluetooth game controller support, and the ability to change text size for better visibility. One notable addition is the ability to customize the scroll wheels on the steering wheel.

While I’m excited to have access to these new features, it’s disappointing that FSD owners had to wait longer than non-FSD users to enjoy them. It raises the question of whether the significant investment in FSD is truly worth it if timely software updates aren’t guaranteed.

As technology continues to advance, it’s important for Tesla and other companies to ensure that all users, regardless of their vehicle’s features, receive equitable access to the latest updates and innovations.

What is the issue with the Full Self-Driving (FSD) software updates?

If you buy FSD, you may not receive all the latest software updates as expected. This can result in a delay in getting new features and updates compared to non-FSD users.

What are some of the updates that non-FSD users have received?

Non-FSD users have received updates such as Spotify refresh, automatic headlights, destination closing soon, Bluetooth game controllers, and the ability to change text size for better visibility, among other features.

What are the new features in the recent software update?

The recent software update includes features like Spotify refresh, automatic headlights, destination closing soon, Bluetooth game controller support, text size adjustment, and scroll wheel customization for the steering wheel.

When did the speaker receive the software update?

The speaker received the software update after months of not getting any updates. They mentioned that non-FSD users had already received the update over a month ago.

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