Understanding P0118 Ford Code: Exploring ECT Sensor and Thermostat Methods

If your Ford is displaying a P0118 error code, this guide is dedicated to helping you resolve the issue at home. The P0118 error code indicates that the engine control module has detected the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor output to be more than 4.91 volts or less than -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Here are two practical solutions to fix Ford’s P0118 error code:

Method A: ECT Sensor

In most cars, the primary ECT sensor is located near the thermostat in the cylinder head. Begin by removing the ECT sensor from the engine and using a multimeter to test its resistance at an ambient temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The sensor’s resistance should measure between 2000 ohms to 3000 ohms. If there is no reading, it indicates a faulty ECT sensor that needs replacement. If the ECT sensor provides a correct reading, proceed to Method B.

Method B: Thermostat

The thermostat in most cars is positioned near the water pump on the cylinder head. Carefully remove the thermostat from the engine after allowing it to cool. Install a new thermostat ensuring the correct orientation – the short end should go toward the hose and the deep end toward the engine. When reinstalling, make sure the jiggle valve is positioned straight up to allow air to pass through the system.

After applying these solutions, use the Zeus app to clear the error code and rescan your vehicle to ensure everything is functioning properly.

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What does the P0118 error code indicate in a Ford vehicle?

The P0118 error code indicates that the engine control module has detected the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor output to be more than 4.91 volts or less than -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

What are the two practical solutions to fix the Ford’s P0118 error code?

The two practical solutions are: 1. Testing and potentially replacing the ECT sensor by using a multimeter to check for correct resistance readings. 2. Checking and replacing the thermostat, ensuring proper installation with attention to the orientation of the short end and the deep end as well as the positioning of the jiggle valve.

Is there any additional step to take after performing the repair?

After the repair, it is recommended to use the Zeus app to clear the error code and then rescan the vehicle to ensure everything is functioning properly.

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