How to Turn Off Tesla Model 3: Comprehensive Walkthrough & Tips

Opening and closing the frunk of your Tesla Model 3 may seem like a simple task, but there are important details to consider to avoid causing damage to your vehicle. In this article, we will walk through the proper steps to open and close the frunk of your Tesla Model 3.

When you come to a complete stop at your destination, press the button in on your right stock to put the car in park. Upon doing this, a display will appear on the left-hand side of your screen showing different options for opening the exterior of your vehicle, including the front, rear trunk, and charging port.

To open the front, simply select the option on the display. As the front opens about an inch to two inches, you can easily lift it up with no latches involved. It’s essential to note that using one hand to close the frunk as you would with a traditional car hood is not recommended by Tesla, as it may lead to damage.

Instead, the proper procedure involves using both hands to create a u-shape and applying firm, even pressure on either side of the Tesla logo until it latches securely.

It’s important to avoid forcefully shutting the frunk or letting it drop onto the latch, as these actions could result in damage to the hood of your Model 3. By following Tesla’s recommended closure procedure, you can ensure that your frunk remains in optimal condition.

For more informational content and how-to guides for your Tesla Model 3, stay connected for future updates. We hope this guide has been helpful in enhancing your Tesla ownership experience. See you next time!

How do I properly open and close the front trunk (Frunk) of my Tesla?

To properly open the front trunk of your Tesla, come to a complete stop at your destination, press the button on the right stock to put the car in park, then select ‘open the front’ from the display on the left-hand side of the screen. When opening, lift the front about an inch to two inches and then close it by taking your two hands and making a u-shape to apply firm even pressure on either side of the Tesla logo until it latches.

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