P1401 Ford – Understanding and Solving Your Vehicle’s Diagnostics Trouble Code

Have you ever had a check engine light turn on in your car? It can be daunting, but oftentimes it’s a solvable issue that you can address yourself. In this blog post, we will go through the process of diagnosing and fixing a check engine light caused by a faulty EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) pressure sensor. This step-by-step guide will help you understand the process and gain confidence in tackling similar issues with your vehicle.

So, let’s dive in!

Diagnosing the Issue:

The first step in addressing a check engine light is to use a code reader to identify the particular problem. In this case, the code retrieved was P1401, indicating an issue with the Delta Pressure Feedback EGR (DPFE) sensor. Based on this information, the decision was made to replace the sensor, given that the original metal one was likely worn out.

Gathering the Supplies:

Before starting the replacement, it’s important to gather the necessary supplies. In addition to the new sensor, the individual in the video also acquired replacement hoses, considering that a hose had come off just a few weeks prior.

Replacing the Sensor and Hoses:

With the supplies ready, the sensor replacement process began. The old sensor, located near the engine, was a metal version, while the new one was made of plastic. Additionally, the old hoses were worn out, prompting the decision to replace them as well. It’s crucial to ensure that the electrical connector is cleaned before proceeding with the replacement. Once the old sensor and hoses were removed, the new ones were carefully installed, with attention to the hose length and firm attachment.

Testing the Fix:

After replacing the sensor and hoses, the next step was to test whether the check engine light would turn off. Using the code reader, the error code was cleared, and the car was started to verify if the issue was resolved. After a couple of start-ups, it was confirmed that the check engine light no longer appeared, indicating a successful fix.


Dealing with a check engine light can be intimidating, but with the right approach and guidance, it’s possible to diagnose and fix the issue effectively. In this case, the replacement of the EGR pressure sensor and hoses proved to be the solution to the problem, demonstrating the importance of regular maintenance and timely replacements in vehicle care.

So, if you encounter a similar issue with your vehicle, don’t panic. With the appropriate tools and a systematic approach, you might be able to address it yourself, just like the individual in the video.

Remember, it’s always essential to refer to your vehicle’s manual and, if needed, consult a professional mechanic for complex issues. However, for many common problems, a bit of DIY effort can go a long way in keeping your vehicle in good shape.

Thank you for reading and happy wrenching!

What does a P0401 code indicate on a car?

A P0401 code indicates Delta pressure feedback EGR DP FV, which typically points to a faulty EGR sensor.

How can a P0401 code be fixed?

The P0401 code can be fixed by replacing the EGR sensor. It is recommended to use a compatible sensor like the motor craft sensor and also consider replacing any old or frayed hoses.

How to replace the EGR sensor and hoses?

To replace the EGR sensor and hoses, follow these steps: 1. Disconnect the electrical connector 2. Remove the old hoses and replace them with new ones 3. Cut the hoses to the appropriate length if needed 4. Install the new EGR sensor 5. Clear the error code using a code reader 6. Start the car to ensure the check engine light is off 7. Test the car to confirm the issue is resolved

What should be done if the check engine light persists after sensor replacement?

If the check engine light persists after replacing the sensor, try clearing the error code again and restarting the car. If the issue continues, it is recommended to consult a professional mechanic for further diagnosis and resolution.

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